23, సెప్టెంబర్ 2021, గురువారం

beautiful answer.

 What a beautiful answer.! Comparison between two "Generations" Everyone must read 👌👌

A youngster asked his father : How did you people live before with:

No access to technology

No aeroplanes

No internet

No computers

No dramas

No TVs

No air cons

No cars

No mobile phones?

Dad replied :

"Just like how your generation live today":

No prayers

No compassion

No honor

No respect

No character

No shame

No modesty

No time planning

No sports 

No reading 

We, the people that were born between 1940-1980 are the blessed ones. Our life is a living proof:

👉 While playing and riding bicycles, we never wore helmets.

👉 After school, we played until dusk. We never watched TV.

👉 We played with real friends , not internet friends.

👉 If we ever felt thirsty, we drank tap water not bottled water.

👉 We never got ill although we used to share the same glass of juice with four friends.

👉 We never gained weight although we used to eat a lot of rice everyday.

👉 Nothing happened to our feet despite roaming bare-feet.

👉 our mother and father never used any supplements to keep us healthy. 

👉 We used to create our own toys and play with them.

👉 Our parents were not rich. They gave us love, not worldly materials.

👉 We never had cellphones, DVDs, play station, XBox, video games, personal computers, internet chat - but we had real friends.

👉 We visited our friend's home uninvited and enjoyed food with them.

👉 unlike your world we had Relatives who lived close by so family time and ties were enjoyed together. 

👉 We may have been in black and white photos but you can find colourful memories in those photos.

👉 We are a unique and the most understanding generation, because *we are the last generation who listened to their parents*. *Also , the first who have had to listen to their children.* and we are the ones who are still smarter and helping you how to use the technology that never exist while we were your age!!!

We are a LIMITED edition! So you better:

Enjoy us. 

Learn from us.

Treasure us.

Before we disappear from Earth and your lives...

Love everything and everyone ❤❤❤

కామెంట్‌లు లేవు: