12, నవంబర్ 2023, ఆదివారం

 A true story posted on FB by a devout Indian.

How the Greats recognize their disciples and how they direct others to their Masters !! How Robert Adams met Ramana Maharshi:

“Finding the address of Robert Adams in the transcript, I wrote to him asking the details of how he attained Self-realization in the presence of Bhagavan. I received a long letter:

"I am Robert Adams. I was born in New York in 1928. As far as I remember, even when I was in the crib, I remember that a man about two feet tall, with white hair and gray beard would always appear at the foot of the crib and speak to me without words. As a child, I couldn't understand anything he was saying. When I was about five or six years old, I told my parents this, but they thought I was playing. I told my friends. They even laughed at me. Stopped talking about it. These visits from little man stopped when I was about seven. "

Robert Adams also added that he didn't know what to do. He couldn't share what happened with anyone. So, something weird happened. Whenever he wanted something, whether it was a pencil, chocolate or a violin, he would appear through someone when he uttered the word "God" three times. If he found out someone needed a pencil in class, he would have said "God" three times and the pencil would be there and handed the pencil to the person who needed it. It happened during his exams too. Not interested in studying. During exams, he would have said "God" three times, and the answers would appear before him and he would have written them down. This is how he passed his exams.

When he wrote a math assignment he wasn't prepared for, he did the same thing. He kept the question paper in front of him and uttered "God" three times.

Answers were expected to appear as usual, but what happened was something completely different:

“The whole room was filled with a light a thousand times brighter than the sun. It was a beautiful, warm and bright glow. Everything and everyone in the room was immersed in light. All the children seemed simple particles of light and I found myself merging into a radiant being of consciousness. So I have joined my conscience. It was not an out of body experience. This was a completely different experience. I realized I wasn’t my body. What appeared to be my body wasn't real. I've gone beyond the light in pure radiant consciousness. I became consciousness and my individuality merged into pure and absolute happiness. I expanded and become the universe. The feeling was indescribable. It was total happiness and total joy. "

After this experience, Robert Adams could no longer carry out his business as usual.

Being a teenager, he wanted someone to drive him.

Joel Goldsmith was considered a true Christian mystic at the time. Several people suggested approaching Joel Goldsmith and so he went there.

Joel Goldsmith listened to Robert Adams and suggested, “Go to Paramahansa Yogananda in Encinitas. It will guide you through. "

Robert Adams went to Encinitas in a state of excitement and ecstasy.

A strange thing has happened. Lots of people were present in Paramahansa Yogananda. Robert was out though. Paramahansa told his secretary: 'There's a boy outside. Give him a call. "

Robert Adams prostrated before the great man and said, "You are my guru." Paramahansa replied, "No, I am not your guru. Your guru is Sri Ramana Maharshi. Maharshi is not well, go to him immediately. ”

After being out, Robert felt the need to read a book at the library. I was flipping through the philosophy section when the book Who am I? I'll get her attention . When she saw Ramana Maharshi's picture on the book, her hair curled, because this was just the person who used to appear in front of her crib and talk to him. So with the strong recommendation of Paramahamsa Yogananda, reached Arunachala in 1947. ”

- Sri V Ganesan Ramana Periya Puranam 

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